Our data reviewer feature provides an always available, visible, and auditable record of staff and client communications. Your organisation has a complete view of your user interactions and all system and messaging records are accessible for audit or any other legal or compliance purposes. Forget having to go through thousands of emails to perform a review of employee communications.
Advanced search capabilities allow you to find any conversation that has taken place in your organisation. You can search for a specific keyword, filter by date, senders, participants or look for attachments only.
Easily export any conversation record. A chat transcript can be exported as a PDF file and all of its shared media can be exported as a zip file. Exports include all of the chat metadata, such as creation date, when messages were sent, participants, and system actions.
Any staff user can have the additional Data Review permission assigned. This permission can only be granted by a System Administrator at the organisation.
Ensure compliance with GDPR and data privacy regulations globally - with hosting specified locations, full data ownership, and active consent of all users.
Search results include the full audit history of all system actions including the read receipt for each message sent as well as download records of shared attachments.
Your business communication history is always accessible, even if an employee has left the organisation or a user edits or deletes a message. Record integrity is maintained at all times, as no information is deleted from your servers.
API integration and chat export functionality allows data to be integrated into your broader corporate computing environment. Searching and integration is enabled by user records having their organisational identifiers attached. All data can be extracted via an extensive set of open APIs.
"We needed our own method of communicating with clients that we felt would not only work as intuitively as existing chat functions, but would give us additional confidence that both ourselves and our clients could communicate in an encrypted, secure and compliant manner."
"I now use Qwil for all my electronic communication with clients and prospects as it’s easy to track all our conversations and refer back to specific points we have discussed and the timing of them. I no longer have the issue of having to find that email you can never find when you need it most!"
"Qwil is like WhatsApp for financial and professional services. It is a product which we believe has significant potential to improve the engagement with clients."
"It is always a challenge in our industry to offer new technologies that are also robust and secure. It’s great in this instance that the hard work has been done for you."
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